
OJIMA, Daisuke 

President & CEO

Mr. Daisuke Ojima is a graduate of the International Christian University in Tokyo with a Master’s in Public Administration in 1995. Immediately joining Nissho Iwai after graduation, he was assigned in Business Development with the Energy and Chemical Project Division, taking charge of plant projects in gas & oil producing countries. He continued his service while assigned to Nissho Iwai, Mexico in 2001 – 2006, seeing transformation into Sojitz Corporation. Later, he was appointed General Manager of Sojitz Corporation representative office in Luanda, Angola until 2014 when again, he returned to his expertise in Business Development in Tokyo. In 2017, Mr. Ojima was assigned as the President and Country Manager of Sojitz Philippines Corporation. During this time, Mr. Ojima served as a director of Atlas Fertilizer Corporation, and other companies such as Coral Bay Nickel Corp., Fuji Philippines Services, Sojitz Fuso Philippines Corp., and Sojitz G Auto Phils. Corp. In October 2020 he returned to Tokyo for various assignments and tasks as manager of the Plant Project Department, and Assistant General Manager of the Secretariat Department. Before coming to AFC, Mr. Ojima was at the head of New Business Development Section of the Sojitz Business Innovation Office.

Mr. Ojima adheres to a personal philosophy of being sincere to everybody. This he believes is vital to the growth of both the self, and of partners or customers.
As the President & CEO of AFC, Mr. Ojima knows that his years and expertise in business development, honed in different countries, can help expand the company’s reach, advocating for science-based approach to farming, further improving agricultural output, and uplifting farmers’ lives.

In a highly traditional and conservative agriculture industry, Mr. Ojima is ready to contribute his knowledge and leadership to the Philippines largest and oldest fertilizer manufacturer, staying true to his vision to find and create new value for Atlas Fertilizer Corporation.

BASCO, Rolando Jr. A.

Executive Vice President & CFO
Systems & Productivity, Human Resources, & General Affairs

Mr. Basco has been the Chief Finance Officer for over 12 years in Atlas Fertilizer Corporation providing a superior leadership during the critical path of the company. His presence in AFC maintains the company’s solid and very strong relationship with various banks in the country significant in maintaining as well the outstanding credit standing of the company in the industry for many years already. With strong knowledge in cash and funds management, Mr. Basco has been responsible for implementing expenses reductions, resource allocation, and fund management.  He also implemented budget reductions and installed accounting systems which have resulted in improving confidence of the company’s business partners. In addition, he is responsible in helping departments effectively manage, store, and protect information technology asset in a more responsive, trusted and cost-efficient way. Mr. Basco had with him more than 25 years of solid experience in Finance, Treasury and He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering from Feati University.

ABAD, Jose Miguel C. 

Senior Vice President
Plant Site & Warehouse Operations

Mr. Abad has been with Atlas Fertilizer Corporation for 23 years and was assigned in various management positions.  Among his significant previous positions, Mr. Abad serves as the Area Manager in Chemical Division, Senior Manager in Materials Management Department, Assistant Vice President for Materials Management and as Vice President for Logistics. Mr. Abad’s decades of experience in materials management and logistics proves his worth and enables him to initiate strategic solutions and take mature judgments which significantly impact the success and growth to the company. With great leadership confidence and determination, he has generated a legacy that brought the company into a different level.   In addition, Mr. Abad created and implemented production standards with optimum production output, cost efficient while ensuring the best He has been an active director of Rotary Club Cebu East, an organization for business and professional leaders who provide service to communities and held various high-level posts in the organization. Mr. Abad obtained his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of San Carlos, Cebu.


Senior Vice President
Risk Management, Accounting, &
Executive Office for the President

Mr. Tominaga is the Senior Vice President for Accounting, Risk Management, and the Executive Office of the President. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture from Kobe University in Japan.

As part of Sojitz Corporation, Mr. Tominaga was well-rounded in different parts and responsibilities in the Consumer Industry and Agriculture Business Division where Sojitz was committed in developing a variety of investment projects in pulp & paper, afforestation, farming and agribusinesses sectors. Through these assignments, Mr. Tominaga was able to coordinate and engage other business units around the world, such as Thailand, Vietnam and Australia.

Given his experience, he was then assigned to Sojitz Brazil in 2014 as General Manager for the same division. In 2018, he was reassigned back to Tokyo as the Manager for Planning and Administration.

In 2022, Mr. Tominaga joined AFC. He is committed to improve and innovate AFC and plans to strengthen internal controls, risk control and mitigation. He aims to make AFC’s operational management system more data-oriented and ensure strong business foundations for years to come.

Atty. SECIO, Sweet Faith A. 

Vice President & CCO
Legal & Compliance

Atty. Secio joined Atlas Fertilizer Corporation in 2011 initially as Corporate Lawyer and in charge of Legal and Compliance. Later on, she was elected as Assistant Corporate Secretary by the Board, which position she still holds until now. Thereafter, in 2013 she was already heavily involved in many administrative functions expanding key positions to support both the Marketing and Production Group of the company. Atty. Secio at present, oversees and directs the operations not only of Legal and Compliance, but more importantly taking an active role in the Human Resource Management of the company being in charge of Personnel Management and Industrial Relations Department, General Affairs and at the same time appointed as the Person In-Charge of Anti-Corruption Matter (PICAM) of AFC in concurrent with her position as Assistant Corporate Secretary for the board. While serving this position, Atty. Secio created a new system, critical in attaining the company’s goals in its long-range strategic plan. She has been part in leading the company’s transformations in the area of work force management, salary restructuring, benefits improvement, reconstruction of employee’s policy, talent acquisition, total rewards, performance management and strives to create the best working environment for the employees in keeping with the company’s aim to be a great place to work. Atty. Secio is a strategic change agent and passionate on transforming organizations and She earned her degree in Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences Major in Economics at the
University of the Philippines. She obtained her Bachelor of Laws from Manuel L. Quezon University School of Law and became a member of the Philippine Bar in 2004.

YANGCO, Mariano Jr. G. 

Vice President
Engineering & Maintenance

Mr. Yangco has been with Atlas Fertilizer Corporation (AFC) for more than 25 years. During his stint in AFC, he was assigned to various positions where he gained substantial professional experience in the areas of plant operations and process and engineering. He joined AFC in 1989 as Technical Staff Engineer. He later became Bagging Supervisor in 1999 and was transferred to Granulation Plant No. 3 as GP3 Production Shift Supervisor. He was promoted to Process and Engineering Services Manager in 2008 and endorsed to a higher position later on May 2013. Guided by principle and spiritual intervention, he successfully obtained growth and maturity to becoming a great leader capable of being emulated. A naturally born achiever in the academe, he has demonstrated merits in the company. Mr. Yangco has been responsible in various capital projects and plant improvements from conceptualization to implementation in concurrent with his role to oversee the maintenance engineering and the company’s continuous production in the most cost-efficient way. He earned the degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering at the University of San Carlos and passed eligibility test for Chemical Engineers.

GANGA, Ernest B.

Vice President
Marketing Group

Mr. Ganga is the Vice President for Marketing Group. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture from the Benguet State University in 1983. He majored in Agronomy and has a minor in Soil Science.

He joined AFC’s Marketing Group as the Area 1 Area Manager back in 1992. He was then transferred to Area 3 the following year, and was elevated to Luzon District Manager just five (5) short years later. In his time in Luzon, Mr. Ganga was able to successfully develop the fertilizer markets in the north, most especially Cagayan Valley where AFC faced stiff and tough competition from the locally preferred and favorites. He introduced non-traditional grades to farmers through persistent farmer’s meetings and demo farms, showcasing the effectiveness and benefits of AFC’s Package of Technology.

In 2017, Mr. Ganga was appointed Assistant Vice President for National Sales, and under his stewardship, saw AFC consistently increase volume sales to record highs. The Marketing Group is responsible for the healthy and consistent movement of fertilizer products from plant to distributor to farmers, this is coupled with innovation in terms of techniques and fertilizer grades for various crops.

As the Officer for Marketing Group, Mr. Ganga is dedicated to advocating for science-based balanced-fertilization, supporting agriculture to further increase or maximize yields that will feed the country’s growing population. It is his direction to keep AFC at the forefront and lead the industry highlighting the advantages of AFC’s fertilizers, improve on brand value and equity, move AFC Marketing into the digital space, and innovate services to engage customers. He believes that AFC’s sincerity and technical knowledge will ensure continued success and secure future growth.


Vice President
Corporate Planning, Quality Control, & R&D

Engr. Ulyses L. Ricaplaza is a licensed engineer who graduated from the University of San Jose – Recoletos with a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering in 2003. He joined Atlas Fertilizer Corporation in 2007 as a Process Engineer in a technical department attached with the R&D & Laboratory. He showed talent as one of the persons who created the study for the now Bag Filter contributing to AFC’s production efficiency. In 2009, he was the Supervisor for Granulation Plant 3 and showed out-of-the-box thinking that contributed to the GP’s improved efficiency. He was soon promoted to Shift Manager and quickly became Production Department manager handling all Granulation Plants and Boiler. His engineering background enabled him to help minimized production wastage, improve overall quality, and lessen shutdowns.

His greatest challenges lie ahead when he was promoted as Manager and head of the Product Planning & Quality Control (PPQC); as the new head, he had to learn and recreate a new more effective system to plan AFC’s complete production requirements and output, in tandem with raw materials arrival and predicting Marketing Group’s demand. His new system enabled AFC to incorporate global best practices for production management, and corporate planning. His talent was recognized and asked to take on the role as Senior Manager of Corporate Planning and Risk Management. Mr. Ricaplaza was a key team member in planning for the successful Atlas 100 Kaizen project that improved the AFC Production Plant, putting the company on a path to reach 100 years in business operations.

In 2018, Mr. Ricaplaza was promoted to Assistant Vice President for Corporate Planning and Process, Quality, & Safety (PQS). He has vowed his innovation mindset to further improve the plant, its production efficiency, and ensure complete product quality. Moving forward, he hopes to still be able to integrate newer technologies and machinery with the AFC Plant and thus further pushing the envelope for both AFC production and fertilizer quality.

MAEDA, Kosaku

Assistant Vice President
Import Procurement, & Internal Audit

Mr. Maeda, the Assistant Vice President for Import Procurement, holds a Masters in Agriculture from Kobe University in Japan.

Mr. Maeda joined Sojitz Corporation in 2008 in the Food Department. He was mainly sent and deployed to South America, put in charge of trading coffee. His skills and immersion in the region was further enhanced when he was sent to Mexico as a Spanish Language trainee in 2011. In 2018, Mr. Maeda was called back to Tokyo, Japan and joined the Corporate Planning Department. He became responsible and in charge of the Office of Management Council.

In 2020, he transferred to the Agribusiness Department and later on, to the Fertilizer business. Mr. Maeda arrived and joined AFC in 2021 as the new head of Import Procurement. He is committed to ensuring that AFC is able to leverage on advantages and economies of scale to be able to acquire and import raw materials following the planned production schedule of the Plant Site. Mr. Maeda and his team were instrumental in helping and contributing in reaching record sales for AFC. Moving forward, Mr. Maeda is keeping a watchful eye on the global fertilizer market, engaging the International Fertilizer Association (IFA) and ensuring AFC stays competitive globally and locally through good quality supply of raw materials and traded fertilizers.

MICAROS, Dexter John G. 

Assistant Vice President

Mr. Micaros is a registered chemical engineer and has been working for almost 20 years in manufacturing and fertilizers. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of San Carlos, and a diploma in Applied MBA from the Executive Development Academy.

Before AFC, Mr. Micaros was an elected government official, as the SK Federation President from 2002 – 2007 in the Municipality of Compostela, Cebu Province. In 2008, Mr. Micaros joined AFC as a Process Engineer. The notable projects he worked on were the Ammonium Sulfate-byproduct recovery project from the liquid SO2 plant, conversion of bunker-fired burners to coal-fired burners that reduced production costs, and the completion of a feasibility study on a proposed “Limestone Crushing Plant” project, a potential new business for AFC. In 2011, he was promoted to manage the Safety, Security, Health, & Environment (SSHE) section. During this stint, AFC established a comprehensive General Safety Guidelines, implemented and created a Hazardous Waste Storage facility and a Material Recovery facility. In 2016, he was transferred to lead the Shipping Section and worked closely with Logistics Solutions Team and helped transition and implement AFC’s shift to containerized shipments. This improved safety, efficiency, and further reduced costs of Logistics. In 2017, Mr. Micaros was promoted to Senior Manager of the Logistics Department overseeing AFC’s satellite warehouses, and shipping. He worked with more than 50 contractors that ensured seamless transportation of fertilizer products across the Philippines. He was instrumental in delivering and distributing the highest recorded sales of AFC.

In 2023, Mr. Micaros was promoted as Assistant Vice President and has committed in further modernizing AFC logistics in his quest to further reducing the time to deliver fertilizer products from Toledo Cebu into the hands of farmers across the Philippines. Through global best practices, and use of modern machinery, AFC logistics is poised to further reduce costs, ensure product quality and contribute to AFC’s future success.

TAGALAG, Mark Anthony S. 

Assistant Vice President

Mr. Tagalag is the Assistant Vice President for Finance. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accountancy from Baliuag University in Bulacan and a diploma in Applied MBA from the Executive Development Academy. Mr. Tagalag has two decades of strong management experiences in Logistics, Marketing & Sales, and Finance honed in various roles in AFC.

After graduating in 2003, he joined the accounting team at Royal Northwoods Golf Club in Bulacan. A year later, Mr. Tagalag joined AFC as the youngest Warehouse-in-Charge (WIC) overseeing the largest and busiest Bulacan warehouse. It became his responsibility to manage warehouse operations, stocking, inventory and distribution supporting the other AFC warehouses, and most importantly, a majority of the largest AFC distributors located in Luzon. In 2015, Mr. Tagalag was promoted and joined the Marketing team as the Area 4 & 5 Area Manager. He helped further solidify the leadership of AFC fertilizer usage by implementing innovative engagement activities, promotions, and outreach programs that brought AFC closer to farming communities. Consistently, he came out as the Best Area Manager of AFC, selling more fertilizer products than some areas combined. Skillful with numbers, he was able to forge strong partnerships with distributors, and open new opportunity areas, particularly in Occidental Mindoro, engaging underserved localities by strategically deploying agronomists who conducted valuable marketing activities that showcased advantages and benefits of using AFC fertilizers and following Packages of Technology.

Management took notice of his talents and in 2021 was promoted to Senior Manager in Finance and eventually Assistant Vice President. In his new role, Mr. Tagalag is committed to support the growth of AFC and its departments by ensuring that funds and resources are made available at the right time. Through their watchful eyes, Finance ensures that company assets contribute to the strong growth projected ahead.

CAMAY, Domingo Jr. D. 

Assistant Vice President

Mr. Camay is a registered Chemical Engineer, holding a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of San Carlos and a diploma in Applied MBA from the Executive Development Academy. He is a member of the Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers. Mr. Camay has more than two decades of experience in various AFC roles, making him a well-balanced and versatile officer.

Coming from Koshin Philippines Corporation, an optical filters manufacturer, Mr. Camay joined AFC in 2008 as a Production supervisor at Granulation Plant 2 (GP2) overseeing the production of famous non-traditional fertilizer grades such as the Top Dress and Hi-Yield Gro. During this time, he became part of the core team that implemented the first ERP system in AFC focusing and specializing in the production module. In 2013, he was promoted manager of the Bagging section which oversaw teams that worked 24/7 to ensure the constant flow of bagged and QC-passed finished fertilizer products. In 2015, he was transferred to Total Quality and Technology Improvement as a Process Control Section manager; the AFC team that researched and implemented innovations and global best practices in manufacturing fertilizers. Collaborating with R&D and Production, he and his team determined and established optimum parameters in the manufacturing process that eliminated fertilizer caking concerns.

In 2018, Mr. Camay was promoted to Senior Manager in the Corporate Planning department and instrumental in the operations of the whole Plant Site; guiding AFC management in meticulous & thorough planning and managing company policies & procedures.

As the officer for Production Group, Mr. Camay is dedicated to achieve the company’s vision thru efficient and timely implementation of CAPEX projects that greatly improve productivity, invest in people development, and promoting a Kaizen mindset.

GRIMALDO, Rosalie Scharon W. 

Assistant Vice President
Human Resource


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