Last October 23 to 25, 2018, Atlas Fertilizer Corporation (AFC), the Philippines’ leading fertilizer manufacturer, participated at the International Fertilizer Association (IFA) Crossroads Asia-Pacific Conference held in Singapore attended by some 400 global delegates from all over the world. Mr. Takashi Sumi, AFC President & CEO is currently an elected director of the 23-member IFA Board from around the world, gave a presentation about the Philippine fertilizer industry, and its expected future progress. Highlighted were technology transfer advancements and farmer training pioneered by AFC, which improved harvest yield and profitability. Mr. Sumi emphasized the importance of private sector partnerships with government and research institutions as key in industry development. Borne from these partnerships, are AFCs wide use of technology accessible through mobile & browser apps, which provides accurate and precise fertilizer recommendations anywhere in the country without additional cost to Filipino farmers.