Turn Over Ceremony of AFC New Leader

Mr. Daisuke Ojima, AFC President & CEO speaks to stakeholders for the first time.
Mr. Daisuke Ojima, AFC President & CEO speaks to stakeholders for the first time.

MAKATI CITY – Last May 31, 2023, Atlas Fertilizer Corporation, the Philippines’ largest and oldest fertilizer company, welcomed the arrival of Mr. Daisuke Ojima. He will take over as the President & CEO from Mr. Hironori Funahashi who has returned to Tokyo after four (4) successful years.

Mr. Funahashi (Center-Right) transfers the AFC symbol to Mr. Ojima (Center-Left). They are flanked by Mr. Basco, EVP & CFO (Right) and Mr. Abad, SVP (Left).

AFC Vice Chairman Mr. Raymund P. Ilustre (Right) leads the audience with a Ceremonial Toast for the two presidents past and present.
AFC Vice Chairman Mr. Raymund P. Ilustre (Right) leads the audience with a Ceremonial Toast for the two presidents past and present.
AFC Vice Chairman Mr. Raymund P. Ilustre (Right) leads the audience with a Ceremonial Toast for the two presidents past and present.

On July 21, 2023, AFC brought together its major stakeholders to hold a Turn Over Ceremony at the Mayuree Ballroom of the Dusit Thani Hotel. The event was attended by more than 150 of AFC’s most valued partners such as government, distributors, banks & financial institutions, suppliers, logistics companies, various services providers, and the shareholders. Through the night, Mr. Hironori Funahashi, past President & CEO, recalled his years at AFC, guiding the company on several major milestones such as completion of the Atlas100 Project that modernized the AFC manufacturing plant in Toledo City, and hitting record sales volume for consecutive years. He revealed the difficulties AFC had to overcome such as the pandemic, high raw material prices, scarcity of raw materials, the war in Ukraine, and import-export restrictions from supplying countries.

The audience cheerfully toasts to the success achieved and for the future of AFC.

The audience cheerfully toasts to the success achieved and for the future of AFC.

Sadly, Mr. Funahashi shared that AFC did not come out hurting, with Typhoon Odette damaging the plant, and worst of all, the pandemic claiming the lives of two (2). Through all those, AFC has stood up and according to Mr. Funahashi, the company is in its best position compared to a few years before. He closed his speech by introducing and endorsing Mr. Ojima, and he implored everyone to work together to achieve greater heights. He expressed his deepest thanks and appreciation of the partners’ support through the years and bid his farewell.

Mr. Ojima and Mr. Funahashi socialize with AFC Distributors.
Mr. Ojima and Mr. Funahashi socialize with AFC Distributors.

Mr. Ojima and Mr. Funahashi socialize with AFC Distributors.

Mr. Ojima and Mr. Funahashi socialize with AFC Distributors.
Mr. Ojima and Mr. Funahashi socialize with AFC Distributors.

Mr. Daisuke Ojima then took the stage. He was introduced as a seasoned Business Development expert, with an extensive background in innovation and manufacturing plant management. He has been in the Philippines before, as President & Country Manager of Sojitz Philippines, and very much at home in the Philippines. He expressed his sincerest appreciation to all partners, for all their support and dedication, the night would not have been possible. Mr. Ojima is excited to be back in the Philippines, and ready to hit the ground running leading the Philippines’ largest and oldest fertilizer manufacturer. He reaffirmed AFC’s commitment to improve and uplift the lives of Filipino farmers and has vowed more innovations in the future to elevate AFC as the industry leader. Mr. Ojima has his hands full with challenges left and right, and he encouraged and rallied the stakeholders in attendance that only in cooperation, dedication, trust, and loyalty can everyone advance AFC’s role in Philippine agriculture.

AFC Chairman Mr. Delfin L. Lazaro giving his speech.

Other highlights of the night were the welcome remarks by Mr. Delfin L. Lazaro, AFC Chairman of the Board, the toast of Mr. Raymund P. Ilustre, Vice Chairman, and the ceremonial Turn Over and AFC Pinning where Mr. Funahashi ceremoniously pinned a small AFC Logo on Mr. Ojima before handing over a large AFC Logo signifying his transfer of leadership and responsibility. After the program, both Mr. Funahashi and Mr. Ojima were seen approaching AFC partners, talking, yielding to photograph requests, and merrymaking. The hard work has just begun.

For more information and the latest news on AFC, please visit www.atlasfertilizer.com.

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